Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Starbucks - First Blog Post

Hello Starbucks lovers. Today, I began a blog about Starbucks. I have started this blog because I, personally, love Starbucks coffee and can't walk past a Starbucks without going in and buying some. My personal favorite is the Mocha Frappuccino in the sizes either Grande or Venti, depending on my thirst and mood. As we all know, sadly, the Frappuccino Happy Hour which lasted from May 7th until May 16th has ended on Sunday and now my constant frappuccino purchases are lessening. I always, however, will love the mocha frappuccino and all the happiness it brings to me and all of its drinkers.


  1. i like your site! I love starbucks myself, and I think the one picture of all the stairs really tied it together. by the way where abouts is that? The background really ties it all together, and I like the fact that you chose this as your topic, i would have never chosen this to be mine, but heck, I'm not you. So i like your posts, pics, and background! good luck with the rest of your work.

  2. I want that frappuccino... Though I don't consider myself a starbucks fanatic, I like you blog. :)

  3. coffee is delicious. keep on postin homey
